Saturday, April 11, 2009

I've been thinking about doing a blog lately. I'm not exactly sure why, but when I was thinking about it, I remembered that I had this one from my summer missions days, so I didn't think there was any need to change anything, so here I am, back after three years. ALOT has changed since the summer of '06. I graduated, got a job, and got married. It's crazy how so much can change in such a short period of time. Right now, I love life. I have a wonderful husband, an adorable dog, a good job, and am going to an AMAZING church. It's so funny how you plan out your life, when you're going to do things etc., and it just completely changes. Sometimes you accept those changes, other times you don't. I don't think that I thought I would be in Florence at this point in my life. I didn't really think I'd be married, and I have no idea where I thought I would be living.
This morning Kristina and I went to the Harvest Hope food bank to work with some wonderful people from my school. On the way there, I started thinking about how 3 or 4 years ago I wouldn't have pictured myself where I am now. But, God in is wisdom, has put me exactly where I need to be. Yes, I would love to have my parents closer (which I do pray that they are able to be closer to both my sister and I), and I would love to be closer to my brother and sister-in-law. But even though I'm not as close to them as I would like to be, God has given me even more family through Blake. Not only do I have family, I have amazing friends. Friends that I never realized how wonderful they are.

"Some experiences are aptly called epiphanies, God pulling back the curtain a bit and letting us see the Shekinah glory of our blessings. We must thank God when we have eyes to see. We are what we are because of those who have taught us to hear beyond the cacophony of evil, to hear and see the epiphanies, the burning bushes of our lives.We all just need to listen closer."

My Dad wrote that in a letter. This floored me. First of all, its eloquent. Second of all, it even more so confirmed that I am priveleged to be the daughter of a man that hungers for more of God every second of his life. Most of all, it makes me thankful. Thankful that when I fall, when I stumble, when I am blind to the beauties of what God has all around me, that he sends something, someone, or some experience to show me that HE IS.
He's given me parents, a husband, and friends that have helped me "hear beyond the cacophony of evil". But more than that, he shows me everyday that He is in control, beautiful, majestic, undeniable, all encompassing, strong, loving, intricate, and indescribable. God is totally in control. The world seems like its going crazy sometimes with sickness, death, pain, loss, and overall hurt. Some say they don't understand why God would allow things like that. I most certainly don't understand why, but after reading the above quote, and seeing the people at the food bank today, it makes me wonder if sometimes bad has to happen so we can see the good. Not so the good can happen, but so we can SEE the good. You never realize how important someone is until their gone. You never realize how much you love sleep until you can't. You don't realize how much you love the warmth until its cold. You don't realize how many times God protects you until you escape from danger. I know that God is in control. I know that He works things out for His will. I know that He's a perfect gentlemen, and He won't make us follow Him. I know these things in my heart, but sometimes I either forget them or I choose not to "remember" them. Every day, God uses something to help reiterate these things to me. I hope that He never stops showing me that He is not only in control, but He knows what is best. I guess its why we need to have "faith like a child". It scares me that I want to take things into my own hands. I want to do it myself, and then ask for help once I've messed it up. I pray that I can let go of the controls and let Him guide and lead. It's amazing how much smoother things seem to go when He's in control. Not that you don't have to work, or that there aren't difficult times, but you know that He's in control and not you. I pray that I remember that when the difficult times come.
Ok, a lot of this has been me typing my thoughts, and stream of consciousness. If anybody has read it, then thank you for your brave attempts at sorting through my random thoughts ;). If I write anymore, hopefully they won't been this long :). I'm heading to bed now. I'm excited about tomorrow. First of all IT'S EASTER SUNDAY!!!! I have the privelege of being in a country that allows me to go and celebrate that Jesus ROSE!!!! Secondly, I'm uberly excited about the fact that many many many people go to church on Easter that don't usually go. I hope and pray that some thing "clicks" tomorrow!!!!
Good night all!!! :)

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